srijeda, 26. lipnja 2013.

Nature's remedies For Diarrhea

When stools are loose and watery in nature and without consistency, the problem is defined as diarrhea. It is an effective way for the body to get rid of any undesirable substance that may have entered the body. When a person suffers from diarrhea he or she can also experience symptoms such as frequent bowel movement, vomiting, stomach pain, thirst, fever, nausea, loss of appetite and dehydration. Some of the common causes of diarrhea are stress or anxiety, some kind of infection caused by virus or bacteria, consumption of infected food or water, food allergy, excessive intake of alcohol, side effect from some medicines and so on.
See the above diagram of the human gastrointestinal tract to understand diarrhea in a better manner. Diarrhea happens when more fluid passes through the large intestine (colon) than that organ can absorb. In normal condition, the colon can absorb several times more fluid than is required on a daily basis. Generally diarrhea is caused by bacteria, parasites, or viruses that enter the intestine through food or water and attacks the lining of the digestive system and damages it. This makes the intestines unable to absorb fluid from the contents of the bowel and the bowel move through the digestive system too quickly. Diarrhea can be acute, which lasts one or two weeks, and chronic, which continues for longer than two to three weeks.
Be it acute or chronic diarrhea, it is often regarded as an unpleasant condition and can hugely affect your day to day life activities. But there is nothing to worry about. To get rid of the symptoms associated with diarrhea you can try some easy and simple home cures. For diarrhea home cures you need some common household ingredients and you even do not have to worry about side effects.
Here are top 10 home remedies for Diarrhea.

  1. Water

    Staying hydrated is one of the most important things that you need to focus on while suffering from diarrhea. This is mainly because your body loses liquids and electrolytes which can cause dehydration. You can solve the problem easily by drinking plenty of fluids. The best option here is to drink eight to twelve glasses of water daily. For better result add half teaspoon of salt and four teaspoons of sugar into one liter of water and then drink it from time to time. At the same time you can also drink green tea, fruit juices, vegetable juices and even sports drink. Also you must stay away from caffeine and alcohol.
  2. Brown Rice

    You can also consume brown rice to control the symptoms of diarrhea. The high amount of starch and B vitamins present in brown rice can help a lot to reduce the amount of fluid lost, restore intestinal flora and make the stool less watery. This in turn will help to fasten up the healing process. Take half a cup of brown rice and boil it in three cups of water for about forty five minutes. Once done, you can eat the rice by adding little salt to it and then drink plenty of the water. For the treatment of diarrhea it is highly recommended to use brown rice instead of white rice.
  3. Yogurt

    Eating yogurt that contains ‘live cultures’ is another effective way to deal with the symptoms associated with diarrhea. ‘Live cultures’ are friendly bacteria that provide a layer of protection in the intestines and help to generate lactic acid to flush out bacterial toxins from within the body. You can eat yogurt as it is or make a smoothie and then have it. You can eat yogurt several times a day. However, health experts say that you should not begin to eat yogurt until the stomach calms down, as consumption of dairy products too early can worsen your condition.
  4. Bananas

    Banana can also be consumed to solve the problem of watery stool. Pectin present in banana is a kind of soluble fiber that helps to absorb liquid in the intestines and thus solve the problem of watery stool. At the same time the high level of potassium present in banana helps to replace electrolytes that may be lost while suffering from diarrhea. Take one mashed ripe banana and add one teaspoon of tamarind pulp and a pinch of salt to it and mix it properly. Have this mixture twice daily to settle an upset digestive system. At the same time it is always a good idea to have one or two ripe banana for breakfast.
  5. Potato

    Potato is another starchy food that can be used in the treatment of diarrhea. You must frequently consume plain boiled potatoes as it will help to restore the lost nutrients and comfort your upset stomach. Another option is to cook white rice and potatoes together in plenty of water until it has a thick consistency. Then consume it by adding little salt to it. You can have this simple dish for lunch or dinner. When suffering from diarrhea, do not make the mistake of eating French fries or fried and spicy potatoes as it will worsen your condition.
  6. Orange Peel Tea

    Orange peel tea is another home remedy that can help to control the symptoms associated with diarrhea. For making a cup of orange peel tea, you need to first wash the orange properly to remove any pesticide content and then remove the peel and gently chop it. Put the chopped orange peel in half cup of boiling water and allow it to steep for some time. Once cooled, add some honey or sugar to sweeten it and then have it. This tea will help in the digestion process. You can drink this tea two to three times a day.
  7. Chamomile

    Chamomile is often used in the treatment of various intestinal disorders including diarrhea. The antispasmodic property along with high amount of tannins present in chamomile can give huge relief from the symptoms of diarrhea. To make chamomile tea, take one teaspoon of chamomile flowers and one teaspoon of peppermint leaves and put them in a cup of boiling water. Allow it to steep for about fifteen minutes. Have this herbal tea at least three times a day to fasten up the healing process. You can also make a cup of chamomile tea from packaged tea bags.
  8. Blueberries

    Blueberries contain an element known as anthocyanosides, which have antibacterial as well as antioxidant properties. At the same time blueberries also contain high amount of soluble fiber pectin which can help a lot in dealing with the symptoms associated with diarrhea. The best option here is to chew dried blueberries several times a day. This will help to kill the germ causing diarrhea. Else you can make a cup of tea by boiling crushed dried blueberries in one cup of water for about ten minutes. Drink this tea several times a day. You can also make soup with dried blueberries to control your upset stomach.
  9. Ginger

    As ginger is simply good for your digestive system, you can always use it in the treatment of diarrhea. You can use dry ginger or fresh ginger to make a cup of ginger tea. When ginger tea is consumed two to three times a day, it eases the cramps and abdominal pain that sometimes accompany diarrhea. Another option is to take equal amount of ginger juice and lemon juice and crush some pepper into it. Consume this solution at least three times a day to get rid of diarrhea quickly. You can also take ginger in capsule form or try foods such as gingersnap cookies, gingerbread, or ginger ale. Those suffering from high blood pressure should not try these remedies for diarrhea.
  10. Fenugreek Seeds

    Due to high mucilage content present in fenugreek seeds it is also considered a useful natural cure for diarrhea. When you eat fenugreek seeds you will have bulkier stool and there will be significant improvement in the severity and discomfort of diarrhea. Take half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and grind it with little water. Drink this solution to get immediate result from the symptoms of diarrhea. Another option is to mix half teaspoon of powdered fenugreek seed in one glass of water and drink it immediately. It is essential to bear in mind that these remedies are not for small children suffering from acute or chronic diarrhea.

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