Nature remedies for Stress and Anxiety

We all have times when stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness enter our lives. Here are traditional herbal remedies to help. First calm thyself. If gardening or another relaxing activity doesn't calm your nerv...

Nature remedies for Insomnia and Trouble Sleeping

Getting enough shut-eye? Most adults need at least 8 hours of sleep every night. If you have insomnia, here are tips for a better night's sleep.

Nature remedies for Cold

What can we do to help our bodies through the process healing a cold? Here are some herbal remedies for your body and mind.

Nature remedies: Make Your Own Natural Toothpaste

Most toothpaste contains sugar, fluoride, artificial colors, and other harmful ingredients that are best avoided. Instead of using the toxic commercial varieties, why not make your own? It’s simple and quic...

Nature remedies: 13 Reasons to Drink Green Tea

Green tea really is a superfood extraordinaire. Thanks to a potent plant nutrient called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, green tea is proving that food (or beverage, in this case) really is the best medicin...

nedjelja, 30. lipnja 2013.

Nature's remedies: How Long After You Eat Can You Workout?
Finding the correct time to eat small meals and snacks is just as important as choosing healthy foods to fuel your body before, during and after a workout. A personal trainer or nutritionist can help you choose a meal plan, including what foods to eat and when to eat them, that will help you reach your personal fitness goals.


The MayoClinic website suggests eating large meals at least three to 4 hours before working out. If you have a smaller sized meal, you can work out two to 3 hours after eating. Light snacks are typically fine when eaten right before and even during exercise. When you are done working out, you can enjoy a meal immediately.


By waiting to work out for a few hours after eating a meal, you can avoid getting stomach pain, cramping and diarrhea, according to MayoClinic. Eating lots of food right before exercising can also cause you to feel heavy and tired because your digestive system and the muscles you use to exercise are competing for energy. However, it's important to eat something before you work out and avoid skipping meals. Passing on a meal before you exercise could cause you to become weak or slow your reaction times.


Healthy carbohydrates are the best foods to eat before exercising. MayoClinic recommends getting carbohydrates from whole-grain cereals, pastas and breads as well as fresh vegetables. Avoid eating foods very high in fiber and fructose right before working out. Eating high-fiber legumes before exercising could cause you to develop uncomfortable gas, while fruit that is high in fiber and fructose could cause you to experience diarrhea after working out.


Protein and fat are not the best sources of fuel for your body before you work out, according to MayoClinic. Fat and protein are important parts of any diet, but right before working out, it's more important that you fuel your body with healthy carbohydrates. You should avoid eating fatty foods right before working out since fat takes longer to digest and can lead to stomach upset during exercise.

Expert Insight

In an article on the ABC News website, sports nutritionist, Molly Kimball, suggests developing a schedule for eating and exercising that works for you. Kimball claims that you may be able to eat a meal and then work out immediately afterward without experiencing stomach upset or other ill effects. Try doing a test run by eating a meal and then performing moderate exercise. If you experience stomach cramps, stop exercising and try again later.

Nature's remedies: How Much Protein Is Right For You?
I grew up reading bodybuilding magazines. On page after page, they hammered home the importance of protein – how you need it to build muscle, how you should be consuming massive amounts of it, and how you should take X or Y supplement to make sure you’re getting enough of it.

When I went on to earn a Ph.D. in nutrition, many of the textbooks I read stated just the opposite: Protein isn’t all that important. In fact, it can be downright dangerous. Eat too much of it and your kidneys might explode.

This debate rages today. Fitness types often recommend megadoses of protein, sometimes as high as three to four grams per pound of bodyweight. On the other hand, the medical establishment argues that most of us take in more protein than we need. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, meanwhile, has a recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. So if you weigh 160 pounds, your RDA for protein is 58 grams. Eat a 12-ounce sirloin steak, and bam, you’ve met your goal for the day.

The problem with both of these estimates is that neither really describes a realistic need. The meathead bodybuilder protein portion might work if you want to look like Lou Ferrigno (although no one needs anywhere as much as three to four grams per pound of bodyweight). For the rest of us, it’s a touch much. And the USDA’s recommendation? The organization describes that as “The average daily dietary nutrient intake level sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all (97 to 98%) healthy individuals in a particular life stage.” Basically, it’s enough to make sure you won’t die.

What we really need is a standard that tells us how much protein we should eat based on our own individual goals and aspirations. I prefer to call this the optimal intake level. And while that number might not be so high as the figures quoted in the pages of those magazines I used to read, it’s certainly greater than the recommendation from the USDA.

Protein: Finding Your Optimal Level

Suppose you want to lose weight. That means you should probably follow some simple guidelines like eating less sugar. But research also indicates that eating more protein can help you towards this goal.

Scientists at the University of Illinois designed a weight-loss program in which one group ate the RDA for protein, while a matched group ate two times the RDA recommended amount. Both groups also exercised. The RDA group lost 12 pounds of fat in 16 weeks, while the higher-protein group lost nearly 20 pounds during the same time period. The RDA group also lost two pounds of muscle. This suggests that you need more protein during a weight-loss program, both to lose fat and to preserve your muscle.

“But wait,” protein naysayers will bark. “Won’t eating all of that protein jeopardize your cardiovascular system? It’s bound to clog your arteries.”

To put that concern to the test, researchers pooled together a group of subjects with high blood pressure and less-than-ideal cholesterol, and tested the impact of adding more protein to their diets. (The OmniHeart study) No one was allowed to gain or lose weight during the test, so any changes couldn’t be chalked up to the benefits of dropping a few pounds. Some subjects ate a diet with 18 percent of their total calories coming from protein, which is pretty close to the USDA’s recommended amount. A second group upped their protein intake to 28 percent.

What happened?

The higher-protein group showed better health across the board. People in that group had greater decreases in blood pressure, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. What’s more, their estimated 10-year risk of heart disease decreased compared to those on the lower protein track. Had these subjects been allowed to lose weight, the results may have been even more dramatic.

So what is optimal? If you go by science, about 30 percent of your calories should come from protein. At that level, you won’t have to worry about deficiencies, and you’ll know you’re getting enough of the nutrient to lose fat while also improving your heart health. Have some protein at each of your meals and snacks, and you’ll hit the target with ease.

Protein and Energy

Allow me to pause our protein discussion to talk about your blood sugar. When you eat a meal, your body breaks down carbohydrates into individual sugars and dumps them into your bloodstream. It doesn’t matter if those carbs come from broccoli or biscuits. Your body needs energy, and this is how it’s produced. The result is an increase in your blood-sugar levels.

Now, your body is very particular about blood sugar, just like Goldilocks was particular about her porridge – it wants your blood-sugar levels to be just right (70 to 99 milligrams per deciliter, for those of you interested in numbers).

When you eat a big meal, your blood sugar increases a lot. This makes your body freak out. Your pancreas responds by releasing the hormone insulin. Insulin’s job in this case is very simple: Get the excess sugar out of your blood. It does this by going “door to door” throughout your body, knocking on the entry points of muscle and fat cells to see if they’ll open and take in some sugar until blood levels return to just right.

If your body overreacts, your pancreas will release too much insulin. That insulin will knock on too many doors, pulling too much sugar out of your blood. Now you have a new problem: hypoglycemia (hypo = low; glycemia = sugar). You’ll start to feel tired, or hungry, or perhaps both. You get tired because your body’s most immediate energy source, the sugar in your blood, is suddenly depleted. You want to eat because low blood sugar is one of your body’s most powerful hunger signals. Your body will crave carb-rich foods to get your blood sugar back up again, even if you just ate.

Here’s how protein plays into the equation. Protein can help displace those carbs. The amino acids that form the building blocks of protein provoke a much-lower insulin response than the one triggered by a high-carb meal. So consuming more protein will have a less dramatic affect on your blood sugar.

Protein also triggers the release of a hormone called glucagon. Glucagon is the yin to insulin’s yang. While insulin takes sugar from your blood and pushes it into muscle and fat cells, glucagon gets your fat cells to release stored fat into your bloodstream, where it provides fuel for your muscles, brain, and everything else that uses energy. Meaning that of all the types of food you can eat, protein is the most efficient for your body: It controls insulin and helps incinerate fat.

A Better Burn

When we talk about about burning calories, we tend to focus on exercise. But our bodies are constantly using energy throughout the day and night. Even when we’re sleeping, we’re still breathing and pumping blood. Our brains are dreaming. We’re still digesting food and finding places to store it. And not all foods are digested equally.

The components of food—protein, carbohydrates, and fats —require different amounts of energy to digest and process, just as different types and intensities of exercise burn more or fewer calories. Scientists call this metabolic cost the thermic effect of food (TEF). Protein has a much higher TEF than carbs or fat. That is, simply eating more protein means your body is burning more calories during the process of digestion. In some cases, doubling your protein intake will bump up the number of calories you burn throughout the day. That’s one reason why protein, all by itself, helps you lose weight.

The Building Blocks of Muscle

During digestion, your body breaks down protein into individual amino acids. It uses them in many different ways, putting them together like a child combines Legos to build a castle. (Fortunately, your body does this in a more consistent way than your average elementary schooler.) These castles are your muscle tissue. To build them, you need an adequate supply of building blocks.

But imagine that the Legos did more than just stack on top of each other – they took part in your castle construction by telling you when to build your towers and walls. That’s what the amino acids in protein do. They aren’t just inert pieces of food waiting to be broken down. They actively signal your body to build muscle.

The most important amino acid in this process is leucine, which is found in just about every protein-containing food you’d ever eat. But in order for leucine to optimize and maximize your ability to turn protein into muscle there needs to be a certain amount present—a protein threshold, if you will. Scientists estimate that this threshold is about 30 grams of protein. You can build muscle with less than this amount or more, but this dosage is what research has found is ideal for optimal functioning.

Once built, muscle is metabolically active, meaning it burns more calories than fat even while you’re at rest. (It scorches through a lot more when you’re active.) And the more muscle you have, the more effective and efficient you become at every activity, which helps you burn more calories.

Nature's remedies: Eat Fat To Burn Fat
For a long time, we thought avocadoes were good for nothing but ready-made guac and a decent California burger every now and then. But these little nutritional hand grenades were having an explosive impact on our diets for all that time. How so? They’re infused with a key nutrient for maintaining healthy weight: fat.

Wait…fat can help us maintain our weight? Fat doesn’t make us fat? In a word: exactly.

Fat is not something to avoid. For starters, it’s essential for normal growth and development. Dietary fat also provides energy, protects our organs, maintains cell membranes, and helps the body absorb and process nutrients. Even better, it helps the body burn fat, says nutritionist and owner of Nutritious Life meal system, Keri Glassman, RD, who recommends that about a third of any weight-loss plan’s calories come from dietary fat.

Before you grab a deep-fried hot dog, consider this: not all fatty foods are created equal. The foods you choose can mean the difference between a trim body and one plagued with obesity and disease, Glassman says. While a diet of stereotypically fatty foods like pizza, French fries, and hamburgers can contribute to weight gain and deterioration of health, the dietetic community is learning that the overall nutritional content of these foods—not their saturated fat—is what’s to blame. Sure, research from 50 years ago found that saturated fatty acids, a type of fat that’s “saturated” with hydrogen and typically solid at room temperature, raised LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

But a reevaluation of that research has shown that they raise HDL (good) cholesterol just as much, if not more, protecting the body from unhealthy cholesterol levels and heart disease, says nutritionist and national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association Tara Gidus, RD. “Instead of making any one thing in the diet a villain, we need to look at total caloric content as well as quality of food, what are we eating that is ‘good’ and helping our body’s immune system and cells to stay healthy.”

Most of the fat that you eat—especially if you want to lose weight—should come from unsaturated sources, both monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA), Glassman says. Why? These good-for-you foods (like fish, seeds, nuts, leafy vegetables, olive oil, and, of course, avocadoes) pack tons of nutrients. Besides removing LDL cholesterol from arteries and promoting a healthier heart, unsaturated fat can help you burn fat big time without cutting calories. A 2009 study in the British Journal of Nutrition, found that participants who consumed the most unsaturated fatty acids have lower body mass indexes and less abdominal fat than those who consumed the least. Why? The unsaturated folks ate higher-quality foods.

Not long ago, the low-fat/no-fat diet craze swept across the food landscape. Manufacturers marketed low-fat and no-fat everything, and consumers responded by chowing down. It’s healthy, right? Wrong. All wrong. Besides stripping our bodies of a much-needed nutrient, low- and no-fat diet movements have increased obesity rates. Why? It turns out that fat provides a big component to the foods we love: Taste. When food manufacturers removed fat from their foods, they had to load the foods with sugar and salt, which are nutrient-free, to increase flavor. For example, the second most prevalent ingredient Kraft Fat-Free Catalina salad dressing, for instance, is high fructose corn syrup, packing 7g of sugar per serving. And just one ounce of the saucy stuff packs 350mg of sodium—that’s 15% of your recommended daily value—and who eats just one “serving,” anyway?

And that’s just the start. Here are other crucial ways fat can help you slim down:
“Instead of making any one thing in the diet a villain, we need to look at total caloric content as well as quality of food, what are we eating that is ‘good’ and helping our body’s immune system and cells to stay healthy"
Tara Gidus, RD and national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association

Fat Burns Fat

The body needs three macronutrients for energy: Carbohydrates, protein, and fat. A gram of fat packs more than twice the energy of a gram of the other two. “When you don’t have any fat in your diet its like you don’t have fuel to burn calories,” Glassman says. The body requires energy to keep its metabolism properly functioning, and a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming fatty acids can boost metabolic health.

What’s more, “old” fat stored in the body’s peripheral tissues—around the belly, thighs, or butt (also called subcutaneous fat)—can’t be burned efficiently without “new” fat to help the process, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Dietary fat helps break down existing fat by activating PPAR-alpha and fat-burning pathways through the liver.

Think of mealtime like baseball spring training: young, hungry players (new fat) hit the field and show the general manger (the liver) that it’s time to send the old, worn-out players (subcutaneous fat) home. And away they go.

Fat Keeps You Full

Fat isn’t the easiest nutrient to digest, so it sticks around in the digestive system for more time than many other nutrients. MUFAs may also help stabilize blood sugar levels, according to Mayo Clinic. That means you feel full longer, and you won’t feel the stomach-growling urge to raid the refrigerator after mealtime.

In fact, diets with high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of MUFA that the body can only acquire through food, create a greater sense of fullness both immediately following and two hours after dinner than do meals with low levels of the fatty acids, according to a 2008 study from University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. It’s no surprise that dieters who consume moderate levels of fat are more likely to stick with their eating plans than dieters who consume low levels of fat.

The result? More weight lost.

Fat Makes You Happy

Everyone says that dieting, not to put too fine a point on it, stinks. Eating yummy foods makes you happy, and it turns out low-fat versions just don’t do the trick for one surprising reason: We can taste the fat—not just the salt, sugar, and other goodies in food.

Recent research from Purdue University shows that our taste buds can detect fat in food, which helps explain why low-fat foods don’t curb our fat cravings. According to the research, fat may be an entirely different basic taste than what we’ve long considered the four mainstays: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. On an even happier fat note, omega-3 fatty acids can boost serotonin levels in the brain, helping to improve mood, increase motivation, and keep you from devouring a large pizza like it’s your job. 3.5% of women and 2% of men have suffered from diagnosed binge-eating disorders, while millions more people are occasional emotional eaters, according to the National Institutes of Mental Health.

Fat Builds Muscle

“Eating good fats along with an effective exercise program can increase muscle,” says trainer and owner of Results Fitness, Rachel Cosgrove, CSCS, who notes that increasing muscle mass is vital to increasing metabolism and burning calories both in and out of the gym. In a 2011 study published in Clinical Science, researchers examined the effects of eight weeks of PUFA supplementation in adults ages 25 to 45 and found that the fat increases protein concentration and the size of muscular cells in the body. Previous studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults and can mediate muscle mass loss due to aging.

Fat Makes Food Better For You

Many nutrients including vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble, meaning that the body can’t absorb them without fat. If your body isn’t absorbing nutrients properly, that can lead to vitamin deficiencies and bring on dry skin, blindness, brittle bones, muscle pains, and abnormal blood clotting, according to Gidus.

These vitamins are also key to maintaining energy, focus, and muscle health, all of which contribute to a healthy weight. Vitamin E, for example is a powerful antioxidant and helps maintain your metabolism, while the body’s levels of vitamin D predicts its ability to lose fat, especially in the abdominal region, according to a clinical trial from the University of Minnesota Medical School. So while you can pile your salad high with nutrient-rich spinach, tomatoes, and carrots, you really need to thank the olive oil for sending the salad’s vitamins your way.

srijeda, 26. lipnja 2013.

Nature's remedies for Ear Infection

Ear infection also known as acute otitis media is a kind of health condition caused by bacteria or virus that affects the middle ear. The infection occurs more commonly in children as compared to adults. Some of the main causes of ear infection are buildup of wax, upper respiratory infections, food allergies, environmental allergies, fetal alcohol syndrome, genetics, nutritional deficiencies and internal injuries. The common symptoms of an ear infection are pain in the ear, tugging at the ear, difficulty in sleeping, headache, poor response to sounds, high fever, drainage of fluid, vomiting, diarrhea and so on.
ear infection
A human ear can detect sounds that are in the range of frequency between 16 Hertz to 16384 Hertz. The ear is divided into three parts: outer, middle and inner (see diagram) and each part have specific functions that help in the process of hearing.
You can see in the diagram that the outer ear which shape like a leave captures the traveling sound waves. In the outer part of our ear, there is a section called as pinna and through this section the sound waves enter into the ear canal. Through the ear canal the sound waves reach the eardrum which is located in the middle part. In addition, the middle section of the ear also has other important ear organs like hammer, anvil, stir up, semicircular, and middle canal. Through the canal, sound waves travel to the inner section of our ear. In the inner part of the ear, there are important ear parts like cochlea, Eustachian tube, and nerves. Sound waves from the canal are sent to the nerves so that the brain can process the sound.  After that we are able to recognize the sound and understand it.
Ear infection can happen in any of the three parts. Infection in the inner ear is the most serious type of ear infection. Treatment is important to treat ear infection or else it can lead to other complications, including damage or rupturing of the ear drum. Also untreated ear infection can become chronic and can even lead to deafness! It is important to consult a doctor but at the same time you can try some natural treatments also. There are many time-honored simple and easy home remedies for ear infection that can help to get rid of the pain and other symptoms of ear infection.

Here are top 10 home remedies for Ear Infection.
  1. Warm Water Bottle

    As soon as you suffer from an ear infection, apply some heat on the affected ear. This will help to get quick relief from the pain and will also prevent from getting microorganism infestation. Take a warm water bottle or warm bag of salt and press it against the ear. You can also use a heating pad. Another option is to get a dry and warm wash cloth and dip it into lukewarm water, remove the excess water and then place the washcloth against the infected ear. You must not apply heat on the ear for a very longer time period. Do it for five minutes, take some rest and then repeat the process again.
  2. Tea Tree Oil

    Tea tree oil is also very effective in dealing with ear infection. The mild anti-bacterial properties present in tea tree oil can give instant relief from earache. For treating ear infection mix together three drops of tea tree oil with two tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of colloidal silver and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Warm the mixture slightly and then lie down on your side with your head on a towel. Now with the help of a dropper fill your ear with this mixture and after five minutes lie down on your other side and allow the mixture to drain out of your ear completely. Follow this remedy two to three times in a day for two days.
  3. Garlic

    Garlic has antimicrobial properties and natural pain-relieving qualities and so it is highly effective in the treatment of ear infection. Get some fresh garlic juice and with the help of an ear dropper put them in the infected ear two to three times of day. You can also use garlic oil instead of fresh garlic juice. Another option is to boil two or three fresh garlic cloves in water for five minutes, take them out and crush them and add some salt. Put the mixture in a piece of clean cloth and place it against the affected area. This will give you relief from earache. You must also consume two to three cloves of raw garlic daily to speed up the healing process.
  4. Mango Leaf Juice

    Mango leaf extract can also be used to treat ear infection in a quick and effective manner. Take two to three soft and tender mango leaves and then crush or grind them to take out the juice. Slightly warm this juice and then with the help of an ear dropper put three to four drops of this juice into the infected ear. Within a few minutes you will get relief from the pain. Follow this remedy two to three times a day to completely get relief from ear infection.
  5. Salt

    Take one cup of salt and heat it in a microwave for about three to five minutes. Make sure the salt is hot. Now put the hot salt inside a thick sock. Close the opening of the sock with the rubber band. Now lie down and put the sock under the affected ear for five to ten minutes. The heat generated from the sock will help to draw out the fluid from the ear and give you relief from the swelling and pain. Instead of salt, you can also use one cup of rice. Repeat this remedy as many times as needed daily to get relief from earache.
  6. Onion

    Onion is a very common ingredient used in kitchen. Now you can use onion to treat ear infection. Take one small sized onion and chop it and put it in the microwave for one to two minutes. Allow it to cool and then take out the onion juice. Now with the help an ear dropper put two to three drops of onion juice in the infected ear and after sometime drain out the juice. Another option is to bake an onion for half an hour, cut it into half and put it in a thick cotton cloth. Now place the cloth on top of the infected ear for five minutes. Repeat it again after ten minutes.
  7. Apple Cider Vinegar

    To get rid of the fungus which causes the ear infection, you can always rely on apple cider vinegar. Take one part of apple cider vinegar and mix it with equal amount of water or alcohol. Soak a cotton ball in this solution. Now, plug your ear with the cotton ball for about five minutes. After that lie down on opposite side to drain out the ear and with the help a hair dryer make your ear dry as much as possible. In case apple cider vinegar is not available, then you can use white vinegar also. If the cause of ear infection is affected Eustachian tubes, then gargling with apple cider vinegar can also help a lot.
  8. Basil

    You can also use holy basil to treat minor earache and ear infection. Take four to five fresh holy basil leaves and crush them gently to extract the juice. Now apply the basil juice on or around the infected ear. It is advisable not to put the oil in the ear canal. This remedy will relieve ear pain and reduce infection. Another option is mix a few drops of holy basil oil with equal amount of carrier oil like coconut oil. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and gently wipe just inside the ear, around the outer edge and behind the ear. Repeat the process twice daily.
  9. Olive Oil

    One of the main causes of an ear infection is that the wax present in the ear catches some fungal or bacterial undesired growth leading to blockage in the Eustachian tubes. Well, you can easily clear the obstruction in the Eustachian tubes with the help of olive oil. Take olive oil and slightly warm it. Now put a few drops of this warm olive oil into the infected ear. This will allow the wax to soften and you can easy remove the infected wax with the help of an ear bud. Instead of olive oil you can also use mustard oil for curing ear infection.
  10. Breast Milk

    Breast milk has natural antibodies that can help to speed up the healing process of any kind of ear infection. So, when suffering from ear infection, breast milk can also be used. With the help of a dropper put a few drops of breast milk into the affected ear. Repeat the process every few hours as necessary. This will alleviate swelling and discomfort and give you relief from ear infection. You can get rid of ear infection within one or two days. This remedy works for both children and adults. Also breast milk can be used to treat eye infection, regular cuts and minor burns.

Nature's remedies For Diarrhea

When stools are loose and watery in nature and without consistency, the problem is defined as diarrhea. It is an effective way for the body to get rid of any undesirable substance that may have entered the body. When a person suffers from diarrhea he or she can also experience symptoms such as frequent bowel movement, vomiting, stomach pain, thirst, fever, nausea, loss of appetite and dehydration. Some of the common causes of diarrhea are stress or anxiety, some kind of infection caused by virus or bacteria, consumption of infected food or water, food allergy, excessive intake of alcohol, side effect from some medicines and so on.
See the above diagram of the human gastrointestinal tract to understand diarrhea in a better manner. Diarrhea happens when more fluid passes through the large intestine (colon) than that organ can absorb. In normal condition, the colon can absorb several times more fluid than is required on a daily basis. Generally diarrhea is caused by bacteria, parasites, or viruses that enter the intestine through food or water and attacks the lining of the digestive system and damages it. This makes the intestines unable to absorb fluid from the contents of the bowel and the bowel move through the digestive system too quickly. Diarrhea can be acute, which lasts one or two weeks, and chronic, which continues for longer than two to three weeks.
Be it acute or chronic diarrhea, it is often regarded as an unpleasant condition and can hugely affect your day to day life activities. But there is nothing to worry about. To get rid of the symptoms associated with diarrhea you can try some easy and simple home cures. For diarrhea home cures you need some common household ingredients and you even do not have to worry about side effects.
Here are top 10 home remedies for Diarrhea.
  1. Water

    Staying hydrated is one of the most important things that you need to focus on while suffering from diarrhea. This is mainly because your body loses liquids and electrolytes which can cause dehydration. You can solve the problem easily by drinking plenty of fluids. The best option here is to drink eight to twelve glasses of water daily. For better result add half teaspoon of salt and four teaspoons of sugar into one liter of water and then drink it from time to time. At the same time you can also drink green tea, fruit juices, vegetable juices and even sports drink. Also you must stay away from caffeine and alcohol.
  2. Brown Rice

    You can also consume brown rice to control the symptoms of diarrhea. The high amount of starch and B vitamins present in brown rice can help a lot to reduce the amount of fluid lost, restore intestinal flora and make the stool less watery. This in turn will help to fasten up the healing process. Take half a cup of brown rice and boil it in three cups of water for about forty five minutes. Once done, you can eat the rice by adding little salt to it and then drink plenty of the water. For the treatment of diarrhea it is highly recommended to use brown rice instead of white rice.
  3. Yogurt

    Eating yogurt that contains ‘live cultures’ is another effective way to deal with the symptoms associated with diarrhea. ‘Live cultures’ are friendly bacteria that provide a layer of protection in the intestines and help to generate lactic acid to flush out bacterial toxins from within the body. You can eat yogurt as it is or make a smoothie and then have it. You can eat yogurt several times a day. However, health experts say that you should not begin to eat yogurt until the stomach calms down, as consumption of dairy products too early can worsen your condition.
  4. Bananas

    Banana can also be consumed to solve the problem of watery stool. Pectin present in banana is a kind of soluble fiber that helps to absorb liquid in the intestines and thus solve the problem of watery stool. At the same time the high level of potassium present in banana helps to replace electrolytes that may be lost while suffering from diarrhea. Take one mashed ripe banana and add one teaspoon of tamarind pulp and a pinch of salt to it and mix it properly. Have this mixture twice daily to settle an upset digestive system. At the same time it is always a good idea to have one or two ripe banana for breakfast.
  5. Potato

    Potato is another starchy food that can be used in the treatment of diarrhea. You must frequently consume plain boiled potatoes as it will help to restore the lost nutrients and comfort your upset stomach. Another option is to cook white rice and potatoes together in plenty of water until it has a thick consistency. Then consume it by adding little salt to it. You can have this simple dish for lunch or dinner. When suffering from diarrhea, do not make the mistake of eating French fries or fried and spicy potatoes as it will worsen your condition.
  6. Orange Peel Tea

    Orange peel tea is another home remedy that can help to control the symptoms associated with diarrhea. For making a cup of orange peel tea, you need to first wash the orange properly to remove any pesticide content and then remove the peel and gently chop it. Put the chopped orange peel in half cup of boiling water and allow it to steep for some time. Once cooled, add some honey or sugar to sweeten it and then have it. This tea will help in the digestion process. You can drink this tea two to three times a day.
  7. Chamomile

    Chamomile is often used in the treatment of various intestinal disorders including diarrhea. The antispasmodic property along with high amount of tannins present in chamomile can give huge relief from the symptoms of diarrhea. To make chamomile tea, take one teaspoon of chamomile flowers and one teaspoon of peppermint leaves and put them in a cup of boiling water. Allow it to steep for about fifteen minutes. Have this herbal tea at least three times a day to fasten up the healing process. You can also make a cup of chamomile tea from packaged tea bags.
  8. Blueberries

    Blueberries contain an element known as anthocyanosides, which have antibacterial as well as antioxidant properties. At the same time blueberries also contain high amount of soluble fiber pectin which can help a lot in dealing with the symptoms associated with diarrhea. The best option here is to chew dried blueberries several times a day. This will help to kill the germ causing diarrhea. Else you can make a cup of tea by boiling crushed dried blueberries in one cup of water for about ten minutes. Drink this tea several times a day. You can also make soup with dried blueberries to control your upset stomach.
  9. Ginger

    As ginger is simply good for your digestive system, you can always use it in the treatment of diarrhea. You can use dry ginger or fresh ginger to make a cup of ginger tea. When ginger tea is consumed two to three times a day, it eases the cramps and abdominal pain that sometimes accompany diarrhea. Another option is to take equal amount of ginger juice and lemon juice and crush some pepper into it. Consume this solution at least three times a day to get rid of diarrhea quickly. You can also take ginger in capsule form or try foods such as gingersnap cookies, gingerbread, or ginger ale. Those suffering from high blood pressure should not try these remedies for diarrhea.
  10. Fenugreek Seeds

    Due to high mucilage content present in fenugreek seeds it is also considered a useful natural cure for diarrhea. When you eat fenugreek seeds you will have bulkier stool and there will be significant improvement in the severity and discomfort of diarrhea. Take half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and grind it with little water. Drink this solution to get immediate result from the symptoms of diarrhea. Another option is to mix half teaspoon of powdered fenugreek seed in one glass of water and drink it immediately. It is essential to bear in mind that these remedies are not for small children suffering from acute or chronic diarrhea.

Nature's remedies: Maggots Better Than Antibiotic in Treating Foot Ulcers

University of Manchester researchers have discovered that maggots rid diabetic patients of an antibiotic-resistant infection called methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). You may be surprised to learn that this is not new as medical use for maggots has a very rich and long history.

Maggots: The World’s Smallest Surgeons

According to Professor Boulton, the lead author who published the results of the maggot study in the journal Diabetes Care,
“Maggots are the world’s smallest surgeons. In fact they are better than surgeons – they are much cheaper and work 24 hours a day,” Professor Boulton jokes. “They have been used since the Napoleonic Wars and in the American Civil War they found that those who survived were the ones with maggots in their wounds: they kept them clean. They remove the dead tissue and bacteria, leaving the healthy tissue to heal. Still, we were very surprised to see such a good result for MRSA. There is no reason this cannot be applied to many other areas of the body, except perhaps a large abdominal wound.”

Maggot Therapy

The medical benefits of maggots are astounding. History tells us that the use of medicinal maggots (“Maggot Debridement Therapy”) was first used during the time of Napoleon. Since scientific studies on medicinal maggot first began in the 1920s, it has been discovered that maggots help clean dirty and necrotic wounds by feeding on the dead tissue while leaving the healthy tissue unaffected. During the 1930s, thousands of surgeons used maggots to treat infected wounds such as abscesses, burns and infections.  After penicillin hit the scene, medical doctors began to steer away from maggot therapy in the 1940s.

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

According to the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, “The medical literature is rapidly growing with scientific evidence demonstrating the efficacy and safety of maggot therapy for a variety of problematic wounds.” Particularly, with the advent of antibiotic-resistant bacteria physicians are returning to maggots as a viable therapeutic option.
Increasing strains of bacteria are developing resistance to antibiotics that were once commonly treated with penicillin. The most pressing issue with antibiotic resistance is that bacteria are becoming resistant to most antibiotics on the market and infections by these bacteria may prove fatal. Examples include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MDR-TB).

3 Ways to Protect Yourself From Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

  1. Minimize unnecessary antibiotics. Remember, antibiotics do not work against viruses; they are only effective in treating bacterial infections. Although your physician may prescribe them, treat antibiotics as a last-resort.
  2. When you do take an antibiotic, be sure to complete the entire course of the prescription so that it can be fully effective and not breed resistance.
  3. Practice good hygiene and eat a natural diet full of local, organic fruits and vegetables to support immune function.

Nature's remedies: 10 Super Foods for Strong Bones

A healthy set of bones provides structure to the body and at the same time it gives protection to the internal organs and anchors the muscles. At the same time, strong bones are required for good posture, balance and strength. To enjoy strong bones, certain key nutrients are required such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, beta-carotene, fiber, magnesium, proteins and minerals. There are many healthy foods that promote healthy and strong bones and reduce the chance of achy joints, inflammation, arthritis and so on.
So, if you wish to have strong bones throughout your lifetime, then it is very essential to keep a close eye on your diet plan. When you eat the right type of foods, you can definitely enjoy better bone mass and bone density at any age.
Here are top 10 super foods for Strong Bones.
Super foods for strong bones

  1. Salmon

    Salmon is a kind of fatty fish that contains a wide range of bone-boosting nutrients such as calcium, protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Both vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids help to increase the absorption of calcium in the body. Regular consumption of salmon helps to improve bone density and bone accumulation. At the same time salmon is also good for the heart. Salmon can be grilled, poached or baked and you can easily incorporate it into a wide variety of healthy dishes.
  2. Milk

    Calcium is the most essential element for strong bones and the best source of calcium is undoubtedly milk. Along with calcium, milk also contain useful nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus and Vitamins D, A and B12. All these nutrients are important for healthy bones. An adult person must consume two glasses of milk daily. When it comes to children and teenager they must consume more milk. Depending upon your preference level, you can choose skim, low-fat, or whole milk. Those who do not like the taste of milk can have it by blending it into a smoothie or sauce.
  3. Cheese

    Cheese is loaded with good amount of calcium, along with Vitamins D, A, B12, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus and protein. All these nutrients are necessary to enjoy strong bones. Also as cheese is low in lactose, those who are lactose intolerant can also have it. When it comes to cheese there are different varieties available in the market such as cheddar, Swiss, mozzarella, goat cheese, Parmesan and cottage cheese. Regular consumption of small amount of cheese will give your body a healthy set of bones.
  4. Yogurt

    Yogurt contains a good amount of calcium and experts say that one cup of yogurt daily is enough to fulfill the calcium requirement of the body. In addition to calcium, yogurt also contains a good amount of Vitamins D, A, B12, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus and protein. If you wish to have strong bones, avoid eating Greek yogurt varieties as they are high in protein content and generally do not contain adequate levels of vitamin D and often have less calcium as compared to traditional yogurts. Those who are health conscious can choose fat-free plain yogurt.
  5. Sesame Seeds

    For healthy bone structure, you must also regularly eat sesame seeds which are available throughout the year. Sesame seeds have a nutty flavor and contain various nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin K and vitamin D. You must daily consume at least one forth cup of these crunchy seeds, in roasted or dried form. You can also sprinkle some sesame seeds on cooked vegetables, toss them into your favorite salad, and add them to stir-fry vegetables. If you do not like the taste of sesame seeds then you can also try sesame butter. Along with sesame seeds you must also include flaxseeds in your diet plan.
  6. Collard Greens

    This leafy green vegetable contains a good amount of calcium along with magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin K. All these nutrients are essential to bone health. At the same time the anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-bacterial properties present in collard greens provide a variety of other health benefits also. One cup of cooked collard greens contains more than one forth of your daily calcium requirement. The best way to consume collard greens is to lightly steam them with fresh garlic and onions. You can also add this leafy green vegetable in salad and soup.
  7. Spinach

    Spinach is another easily available vegetable that is high in calcium content. Along with calcium, spinach also contains a good amount of fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamin A and vitamin C. Just one cup of cooked spinach can provide one fourth of your daily calcium needs. There are different ways to cook this dark green leafy vegetable as it can be grilled, boiled, frozen, canned or eaten raw depending upon how you like to eat it. It makes a good addition to salads, sandwiches and appetizers. Along with spinach, you must also try to eat Chinese cabbage, kale, broccoli and cauliflower to enjoy better bone health.
  8. White Beans

    White beans are also one of the best super foods for healthy bones. This legume contains a good amount of calcium, fat free protein, fiber and essential minerals like magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. All these nutrients are essential for bone health. Depending on the type of white beans you choose, one cup of cooked beans can provide a good amount of calcium that prompts healthy strong bones. You can include white beans in soups, salads, stews, bean spreads, casseroles, and baked vegetables. Along with white beans you must also try to eat pinto beans, navy beans and black beans.
  9. Tofu

    Tofu is a kind of soy food that contains a very good amount of calcium and plant-based chemicals called isoflavones that are important to promote healthy and strong bones. Half cup of tofu contains more than 800 milligrams of calcium. So, you must regularly eat tofu and other soy-containing foods to increase your calcium intake. Also tofu is a popular choice of people who are lactose intolerant, and do not prefer to consume dairy products, or who want something delicious, nutritious, and different. Whether you get it plain or get it cooked, tofu is a healthy choice for your bones.
  10. Sardines

    Another excellent source of calcium and Vitamin D is sardines. In fact, sardines contain good amount of calcium and vitamin D per serving as compared to milk and dairy products. Along with calcium, sardines also contain a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus and vitamin B12. As these little fish are perishable in nature, the most common way to enjoy sardines is from a can. The canned sardines can be added to pizza, salads or any mashed dish. In many places sardines are also available in fresh form and they can be easily added to salads, pastas and sauces.

Nature's remedies: 10 Super Foods To Fight Stress

Due to hectic lifestyle, many people experience stress and it is a known fact that stress is not good for health. In fact, too much stress in life can cause negative effects on your body, mood and behavior. It can even lead to both short and long-term physical problems such as impaired memory, learning abilities, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and a poorly functioning immune system. This is one reason why people look for ways to fight stress.
The best way to fight stress is it to find out the cause behind it and then try to resolve it. At the same time regular exercise, massage and yoga can help to reduce stress levels. However, very few people know that there are certain foods that can also help to combat stress. You just need to eat these foods whenever you are in stress and soon you will feel more relaxed.
Here are top 10 super foods to fight stress.
superfoods for stress
  1. Green Tea

    Green tea contains powerful antioxidants such as polyphenols, flavonoids and catechins. All these antioxidants help a lot in creating positive mood due to their calming effect on the mind and body. Those who drink at least five cups of green tea per day can enjoy better health and mood as compared to those who do not drink less tea. Next time whenever you are in stress, take out some time to enjoy a cup of green tea. Those who do not like green tea can also opt for black tea. The positive impact of green tea will be more amongst people who do not drink alcohol and smoke cigarette.
  2. Blueberries

    Blueberries contain plenty of antioxidants that help a lot to reduce the stress level. Blueberries also contain Vitamins C and Vitamin E along with minerals like magnesium and manganese, which are helpful in reducing stress. Regular consumption of blueberries also helps a lot in dealing with depression, insomnia and other mood disorders. As blueberries are rich in fiber content and low in calorie level, this fruit can also be consumed by those who wish to lose weight. You can try blueberries as it is or try them with cottage cheese and add them to a healthy plate of fruit salad. Along with blueberries, cranberries can also help a lot to reduce stress.
  3. Milk

    Those who regularly consume milk feel less stressed. One glass of skim milk provides your body with the good amount of antioxidants along with vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium and protein. All these nutrients help to fight the free radicals that get released when you are in stress and help you to calm down soon. The best way to start the day is to have a bowl of whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk. This is regarded as the best stress-fighting breakfast. Also try to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed to enjoy better sleep. Those who do not like milk can eat milk products such as cottage cheese and yogurt.
  4. Spinach

    Dark green vegetable like spinach is rich in Vitamins C, A and B-vitamins. At the same time spinach also contains a good amount of minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus which help a lot to reduce stress hormones in the body and stabilize the mood. One cup of spinach daily can have relaxing, calming effects on the body and help your body to fight against stress. There are many easy ways to include spinach in your diet. You can add this green leafy vegetable in your omelet, wrap, and sandwich or eat it in the form of a salad.
  5. Almonds

    Nuts especially almonds are high in Vitamin E, Vitamin B, magnesium, zinc and healthy oils. At the same time almonds are a great source of fiber. You can eat almonds in raw or roasted form as a healthy snack. Also you can include almonds in desserts and baked food items. Along with almonds you can also eat walnuts and pistachios to lower your stress hormones, reduce blood pressure and boost your energy level.
  6. Dark Chocolate

    It has been found that eating about an ounce and a half of dark chocolate daily can hugely reduce the level of stress hormones present in the body. This happens because dark chocolate contains magnesium, which is a mineral that can help to fight against stress, fatigue, depression and irritability. The best part about dark chocolate is that most of us like it and can be consumed in different ways. Whenever you feel stress, immediately eat some dark chocolate and soon it will boost your mood and reduce the stress level. If you like you can also try a warm glass of chocolate milk or any kind of dessert having dark chocolate to fight stress.
  7. Salmon

    Salmon is a kind of cold water fish that contains a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, a kind of strong anti-inflammatory agent. Omega-3 fatty acids boost happy brain chemicals like serotonin and regulate stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. At the same time omega-3 fatty acids help brain cells to function more efficiently. You must eat two or three servings of salmon per week. Along with salmon, you can also eat other oily fish such as mackerel, tuna and sardines. If required you can take daily omega-3 fatty acid supplement after consulting your doctor.
  8. Oranges

    Oranges are high in Vitamin C that help boost your immunity and it is also an antioxidant, which fights the free radicals that get release when you are in stress. At the same time oranges have significant amounts of Vitamin A and the B vitamins as well as different types of healthy minerals which are good for overall health. The best way to enjoy the benefits of nutrients present in oranges is to drink a glass of fresh orange juice daily. Else you can include oranges in desserts and various baked food items. Along with oranges, you must also eat other citrus fruits.
  9. Brown Rice

    Brown rice contains a good amount of B-vitamins, which are extremely important in maintaining cells, tissues and organs. These type of vitamins also help a lot in biochemical reactions involved in energy, brain function, healthy red blood cells, immunity, and cardiac function and so on. When the body gets adequate amount of B-vitamins then there will be less stress in your life and also you do not have to suffer from different types of mood disorders. Next time when you experience irritability and moodiness try to eat brown rice products and soon you will feel better.
  10. Avocado

    Avocado contains a good amount of minerals, protein, vitamin C and vitamin E. Also it is high in fiber, potassium and healthy fat. All these nutrients help to regulate the stress hormones in check by keeping nerves and brain cells healthy. Daily consumption of one avocado will significantly lower down your blood pressure level and reduce the stress hormone level. You can eat avocado as it is or add it to your favorite fruit salad plate or smoothie. For better result, try to eat fresh avocado instead on the packaged version.

Nature's remedies: 10 Superfoods To Curb Diabetes

Diabetes is a kind of disease that gradually affects your entire system and almost every organ of your body like your kidneys, eyes, heart etc. Even though there are many medicines that can control your blood sugar level, it is essential to understand that food is really your best medicine. In fact, one of the leading factors behind the development of Type 2 Diabetes along with many other chronic and degenerative diseases is poor diet.
There is no stage of Type 2 Diabetes that cannot be controlled by making some smart dietary changes. To prevent and control diabetes, there are some Superfoods that can stabilize or even lower your blood sugar level when eaten on regular basis in appropriate portions. These Superfoods have a bigger impact on your blood sugar than others.
Here are top 10 Superfoods to Curb Diabetes.
  1. Beans

    Beans are good source of dietary fiber and are also rich in protein, magnesium and potassium. All these minerals are very important for those who have diabetes and so when planning a diet plan for diabetes it is essential to include them. Beans can slow the digestion process and help to maintain blood sugar level after eating a meal. When it comes to beans you can choose kidney, pinto, navy, white, navy, lima, pinto, garbanzo, soy or black beans depending upon which one you like to eat. You can add beans to soup or salad.
  2. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

    Dark green leafy vegetables are very low in calories and carbohydrates and contain a good amount of vitamin C, insoluble fiber, magnesium and lots of calcium. All these nutrients are absolutely essential for diabetics as they have virtually no impact on your blood sugar level. Studies show that leafy veggies lower the risk of type-2 diabetes. Those who are diabetic must have two servings of dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale, chard, collard greens, mustard greens and other leafy greens daily in their diet plan.
  3. Berries

    Berries of all kind are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber that can hugely control your blood sugar level and help protect against cancer and heart diseases. You can choose different types of berries like strawberries, cranberries, black berries and so on. In fact berries make a smart substitute when you feel the urge to eat something sweet. You can add fresh berries in cereals and salads, and keep use the dried versions as a healthy snack. You can also use berries to make low sugar desserts for diabetics.
  4. Fish

    Fishes that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids must also be consumed on regular basis by those who are diabetic. At the same time fishes are a good source of protein, and a great substitute for higher-fat meats. Aim to eat fish at least twice a week. Cold water fatty fishes like salmon, sardines, halibut, herring, mackerel, and tuna are good for those who are diabetic. You must eat baked or grilled fish and try to avoid breaded and deep fat fried variety. Those who do not eat fish must take fish oil supplements after consulting a doctor.
  5. Whole Grains

    Whole grain food products contain a wide variety of nutrients including magnesium, chromium, omega 3 fatty acids and folate. Whole grains can help to maintain blood sugar level and can help reduce blood pressure and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Whole grains also contain powerful plant chemicals, lignans and flavonoids, which may play a role in preventing heart disease. Thus, those who are diabetic must switch from rice to brown rice and from refined flour to whole wheat flour to enjoy many health benefits.
  6. Nuts

    Nuts contain healthy fats, vitamins, fiber and lots of minerals such as magnesium and vitamin E.9 that can stabilize blood sugar level. Nuts help reduce insulin resistance and help fight heart disease. Those who are diabetic, or those who want to avoid Type 2 diabetes, must eat nuts on regular basis. Nuts of all sorts – walnuts, pecans, almonds, pea nuts and so on are great for controlling blood sugar. The best way to eat nuts is after they have been soaked overnight to release their enzyme inhibitors. Take a hand full of nuts and place them in a bowl of water, leave them to sit over night and in the morning discard the water and then eat the nuts.
  7. Olive Oil

    Olive oil is loaded with antioxidants and monounsaturated fats that reduce the risk of heart disease and help keep blood sugar steady by reducing insulin resistance. Olive oil also helps in losing weight which is very essential for those who are diabetics. When it comes to olive oil you must choose the extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) which is minimally processed and contains more than 30 antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant compounds. You can add olive oil on salads and use it to sauté meat and veggies.
  8. Yogurt

    Yogurt is rich in protein, Vitamin D and calcium. Several studies have shown that people who eat plenty of calcium-rich foods can easily lose weight and are also less likely to become insulin resistant. Yogurt can also help build strong bones and teeth. Use nonfat plain yogurt and eat as it is or else add it to bowl of fresh fruit. Along with low fat yogurt you can also include low fat milk in your diet plan to control your blood sugar level.
  9. Cinnamon

    There are several components in cinnamon that promotes glucose metabolism and reduces cholesterol. It has been found that in people with diabetes; just half teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a day can significantly decrease fasting blood glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity. There are many ways to add cinnamon in your diet. You can sprinkle some in your coffee, stir it into your morning oatmeal, or add it to chicken or fish dishes. Else you can soak a medium sized cinnamon stick in hot water to make a refreshing cup of cinnamon tea.
  10. Sweet Potatoes

    Sweet potato is a kind of starchy vegetable that contains the antioxidant beta-carotene along with vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium and fiber. All these components help lower blood sugar. Those who are diabetic must use sweet potatoes in place of regular potatoes for a lower GI alternative. Whether you like grilled or baked sweet potatoes try to cook then with the skin on, since most of the nutrients are next to it. You can also eat sweet potatoes steamed, broiled or stewed, as a side dish, in salads, soups, casseroles or other dishes.

Nature's remedies: 10 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plant is considered to be a miracle plant because of its too many curative and healing health benefits. The leaf of Aloe Vera is filled with a gel containing vitamins like A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin. Minerals found in Aloe Vera plant juice are copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese. All these nutrients have tremendous health benefits when used externally and internally.
Health experts consider Aloe Vera as the most impressive and versatile herb invented by nature. This herb is very safe to use and people from across the globe use this herb for treating various health conditions starting from minor burns to dangerous cancer.
Here are top 10 health benefits of Aloe Vera.
Aloe vera
  1. Immune Booster

    Aloe Vera is full of anti-oxidants which are natural immune enhancers that help to deal with free radicals within the body. Free radicals are the unstable compounds which are bad for the health and contributes to the ageing process. Drinking Aloe Vera juice regularly gives the body a regular supply of anti-oxidants, which can boost and enhance the immune system.
  2. Regulates Weight and Energy Level

    Drinking Aloe Vera juice naturally allows the body to cleanse the digestive system. There are many food substances which can cause fatigue and exhaustion which you can solve by taking Aloe Vera juice. When consumed regularly, Aloe Vera juice also allows energy levels to increase and helps in maintaining a healthy body weight.
  3. Cures Gum Diseases

    Aloe Vera is extremely helpful for your mouth and gums due to its natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. At the same time it contains vitamins and minerals which promote cell growth and healing of bleeding gums and mouth ulcers. When suffering from a gum disease, just sprinkle some Aloe Vera powder on your toothbrush before brushing and within few minutes you will feel much better. Regular consumption of Aloe Vera juice also helps in  promoting strong and healthy teeth.
  4. Ends Constipation

    Aloe Vera plant juice has natural fibers which helps in digestion and improves the bowel movement. Aloe Vera juice can also be used in treating constipation. When constipated, take aloe Vera juice or gel in order to solve the problem of irritable bowel movement. Remember that after taking aloe Vera it takes about ten hours to get positive results.
  5. Stabilizes Blood Sugar Level

    Aloe Vera juice can lower blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 Diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar level and reducing triglycerides. For better result those who are diabetic must take Aloe Vera juice regularly for three months in order to experience a significant drop in fasting blood sugar levels. Also those who are diabetic suffering from peripheral neuropathy (hands and feet going numb) can also get hugely benefitted from Aloe Vera supplements.
  6. Enhances Skin Health

    Aloe Vera is one of the natural herbs used in skin care products as it soothes the skin, hydrates it, nourishes it and accelerates the regeneration of new skin tissue. By applying fresh Aloe Vera gel on your face you can enjoy well moisturized, glowing and flawless skin. At the same time Aloe Vera can help to get rid of sunburn skin and can be used to treat blisters, insect bites and any allergic reactions, minor burns, inflammations and more. Even those having sensitive skin can also use Aloe Vera without any problem.
  7. Reduces Heart Attacks

    By enhancing your blood quality, you can significant reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in coming years. To improve the quality of your blood, you must start eating Aloe Vera. Regular consumption of Aloe Vera stops blood cells from clumping together, which is one of the main reasons behin strokes. When the flow of blood is proper, oxygen and nutrients can reach every last organ and cell in your body. Good amount of oxygen reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure.
  8. Treats Acne

    Aloe Vera gel is used in a number of different skin care products that facilitates to treat a wide variety of different skin problems including acne. Acne is a kind of very common skin problem in which the sebaceous glands become more active and inflamed. The anti-inflammatory properties present in Aloe Vera help to get rid of acne and pimples when the gel is applied on the affected skin are twice daily. You can use Aloe Vera skin care products to treat the scars and redness associated with acne.
  9. Halts Inflammation

    Using Aloe Vera externally can ease inflammation of joints, reducing arthritis pain. You can also drink Aloe Vera juice to reduce inflammation throughout the body. People who drink aloe Vera juice for two weeks typically begin to experience a significant reduction of inflammation and pain symptoms. With regular consumption of Aloe Vera juice and application of Aloe Vera gel on the affected skin area you can enjoy a pain free life.
  10. Lowers High Cholesterol

    Few research works also suggest that Aloe Vera gel can lower high cholesterol level. When used internally, the gel improves the quality of the blood and also lowers the high cholesterol level. Also taking Aloe Vera is far safer than using over the counter or prescribed medicines, which have extremely harmful negative side effects on the body. However those having high cholesterol level should take Aloe Vera supplements only after consulting a doctor.

Nature's remedies: 10 Superfoods That Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer and also the deadliest of all cancers.  The World Health Organization (WHO) has predicted that by 2020 the number of breast cancer cases will be much higher. In fact, it is believed that in coming few years one in every eight women would run the risk of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. This figure has been also estimated by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
Breast cancer is a complex disease, and many factors contribute to it such as genetics along with lifestyle and dietary factors. However breast cancer can be prevented with certain healthy habits such as limiting alcohol consumption, avoid smoking, controlling your weight, breast feeding, avoiding exposure to radiation and environmental pollution, and limiting the duration of hormone therapy, staying physically active and regular medical checkups. At the same time following a healthy diet plan can also reduce the risk of breast cancer to a great extent. There are certain food items that help to fight malignant cancer cells at the onset and thus help in preventing breast cancer.
Here are top 10 Superfoods that Prevent Breast Cancer.
  1. Broccoli

    Broccoli contains cancer-fighting compounds known as indole-3-carbinol. This particular chemical converts the type of estrogen that causes cancer into a more cancer-protective type of estrogen and help in reducing the risk of various types of cancers such as breast, bladder, lymphoma, prostate and lung cancer. Try to eat five portions of broccoli in a day to help protect against breast cancer. Cooked broccoli supply more health benefits than raw broccoli. Along with broccoli, try to include other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale, and cauliflower in your diet plan in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  2. Salmon

    Salmon is a kind of oily fish that contains a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids which slows down the growth of cancerous tumors and also boosts the immune system. At the same time salmon is also a smart lean protein source along with vitamins B12 and D. All these elements provide your body with the nutrients required to regulate cell growth and prevent cancer. You can eat salmon by steaming it, baking it or grilling it. For better result try to eat three portions of fresh salmon each week. Along with salmon, other oily fishes that can prevent breast cancer are mackerel, sardines, trout, sea bass and tuna. 
  3. Turmeric

    Turmeric contains a substance known as Curcumin that can inhibit various types of cancer cells such as breast, gastrointestinal, lung, and skin cancer. According to various research works it has been found that turmeric helps a lot to prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs when combined with certain drug-based therapy. It has several cancer-fighting properties and it actually repairs DNA that has been damaged by radiation. You can enjoy the protective benefits of Curcumin by just adding little bit of turmeric powder to your foods or eat a pinch of raw turmeric with water every morning on an empty stomach.
  4. Blueberries

    Blueberries are power-packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can aid in breast cancer prevention. The phytochemicals present in blueberries work together to prevent the growth and spread of various forms of breast cancer. At the same time blueberries are rich in antioxidants such as ellagic acid which has anticancer properties which destroy cancer-causing substances and slow the growth of tumors. Along with blueberries, other types of berries that can prevent breast cancer are strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and cranberries. To reap the benefits of blueberries try to eat them fresh instead of the packaged versions.
  5. Tomatoes

    Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can prevent the development of breast cancer by stopping cancer cell growth. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, lycopene also stops the growth of tumors by interfering with abnormal cell growth. Along with breast cancer, lycopene is also beneficial in stopping other types of cancer cells from growing, including lung, and endometrial. To enjoy the benefits of tomatoes, you can eat cooked, concentrated or processed tomatoes. However the best option is to drink half glass of tomato juice daily.
  6. Garlic

    Studies show that garlic also helps in preventing breast cancer. The sulfur compounds present in garlic speeds DNA repair, and kills cancer cells connected with breast cancer, mouth cancer, stomach cancer, and colon cancer. To get the most benefit, peel and chop the garlic cloves and let them sit for about fifteen minutes before cooking. Also crush or swallow a piece of garlic every morning in order to live a cancer-free life. However people on blood thinners and certain other medications should talk with their doctor before taking garlic supplements.
  7. Pomegranate Juice

    According to some research works it has been found that pomegranate destroys breast cancer cells without affecting the healthy cells. Also it contains polyphenol- an ellagic acid with anti-oxidant properties that prevents the formation of new breast cancer cells. Pomegranate makes a delicious and healthy addition to any fruit salad and fruit based dessert. You can include pomegranate in any breast cancer prevention diet, in either fruit or juice form.
  8. Flaxseed

    Flaxseed contains high levels of lignans, which protect against estrogen-dependent cancers such as breast cancer. Flaxseed or flaxseed oil is among the few sources of the essential omega-3 fatty acid ALA which forms a protective shield against cancer cells responsible for causing breast cancer. You can add powdered flaxseed to yogurt or a smoothie to create a richer and nutty flavor. You can also add flaxseed oil to salad dressings too or integrate them into baked goods, such as cookies or muffins.
  9. Spinach

    Spinach contains an antioxidant known as lutien which plays a key role in guarding against breast cancer along with mouth, esophagus, and stomach cancer. It is also rich in zeaxanthin and carotenoids that remove unstable molecules called free radicals from your body before they damage it. Women must eat spinach at least twice a week in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Spinach can be enjoyed in the form of a salad, soup, steamed, sautéed or stirred. Along with spinach also eat other green leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, or romaine lettuce.
  10. Walnuts

    Walnuts contain many helpful nutrients and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which help your body fight inflammation that actually slow down the growth of breast cancer tumors. Research suggests that walnut is particularly effective at protecting your cells against environmental exposures that may increase the risk for cancer. Regular consumption of walnuts can help you keep breast cancer at bay. Heath experts suggest eating two ounces of walnuts in a day in order to slow down the development and growth of breast cancer tumors.

Nature's remedies: Which Fruits Are Good for Diabetics to Eat?
According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, or NDIC, people with diabetes can eat most fruits without any problems. However, whole fresh fruits are best. Avoid canned fruits, which have added syrups, or dried fruits, which are sometimes coated with sugars. Avoid fruit juice in favor of whole fruits. Not only is whole fruit more filling and with more fiber, but it's also lower in sugar.


According to the Mayo Clinic, you can eat any fruits as long as the serving you're having doesn't have more than 15 g of carbohydrates. What makes some fruits better than others is that 15 g of carbs might mean a large serving of one fruit but a small serving of another. Strawberries fall into the first category. For 15 g of carbs, you can eat one and a quarter cup of whole strawberries. As a comparison, you only get half a cup of mango or a three quarter of a cup of pineapple for the same amount of carbs.
Fiber is essential to a diabetic because it can help him stabilize blood sugar, according to HelpGuide. Raspberries have one of the highest amount of fiber of any fruits, at 8 g of fiber per serving of blackberries, which equals 1 cup of raspberries. Blackberries are also high in fiber. They contain 7.6 g of fiber per cup.


Grapefruit is at the bottom of the glycemic index. The glycemic index is the measurement of how much a specific food affects blood sugar. According to the Center for Integrative Medicine of the University of Wisconsin, grapefruit has a glycemic index of 25. The only other fruit under 30 is peach, which has a glycemic index of 28. At the other end of the scale are watermelon, pineapple and raisins, all of which have a glycemic index of more than 60.

Nature's remedies: Causes of Pain Behind the Ear and Down the Neck

Numerous conditions can cause pain behind the ear and down the neck. According to MedlinePlus, a publication of the National Institutes of Health, neck pain can travel to other parts of the body, such as the shoulder, arm and head. In some cases, pain in various head structures can send pain to the neck. Pain behind the ear is often associated with neck pain, as the tendons of many neck muscles insert into the mastoid process--a prominent bony bump--just behind the ear.

Cervicogenic Headache

A cervicogenic headache, sometimes called a cervical headache, can cause pain behind the ear and down the neck. According to the Sports Injury Clinic, cervicogenic headaches are caused by dysfunction in the muscles, joints, nerves or fascia in and around the cervical spine or neck, especially the upper cervical spine. Pain radiates from the neck and the back of the skull toward the front of the skull, causing a dull, aching sensation throughout the head, including behind the ears. Possible causes of cervicogenic headache include nerve compression between the vertebrae or spinal bones, excessive tenderness in the neck tissues due to trigger points--hyper-irritable nodules or knots within a tight band of muscle--and reduced neck range of motion or a stiff neck. Most cervicogenic headaches respond well to conservative care methods, such as chiropractic manipulation, massage therapy, acupuncture and postural retraining exercises.


Mastoiditis can cause pain behind the ear and down the neck. MedlinePlus states that mastoiditis is an infection of the mastoid bone of the skull, which is located directly behind the pinna or the outside portion of the ear. The most common cause of mastoiditis is a middle ear infection, also known as acute otitis media. The infection can spread from the ear to the mastoid bone, causing infected materials to accumulate within the mastoid air cells--a network of honeycomb-like structures within the mastoid bone. Infection of the mastoid air cells can cause destruction and degeneration of the bony tissue that composes this part of the skull. Mastoiditis affects children more than adults. Common signs and symptoms associated with mastoiditis include head and neck discomfort, pain and swelling behind the ear, ear drainage, fever, headache, hearing loss and redness over the affected area.


Whiplash can cause pain behind the ear and down the neck. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, whiplash is a collection of symptoms that occur following a rapid flexion and extension injury of the neck. The most common cause of whiplash is a rear-end motor vehicle accident. Whiplash symptoms range from mild to severe. Moderate or severe cases of whiplash usually involve extensive soft tissue damage to various neck structures, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerve roots--spinal cord offshoots. Common signs and symptoms associated with whiplash include neck pain and stiffness, pain behind the ears, neck muscle strains, neck ligament sprains, headache, dizziness, shoulder pain, back pain, memory loss, an inability to concentrate, irritability, fatigue, sleeping problems and depression. The NINDS states that, although most people who suffer a whiplash injury recover within three months, some people may experience residual symptoms that last much longer.

Nature's remedies: Why Is Kiwi Fruit Good for You?

Although many people associate the kiwi fruit with New Zealand, the fruit is native to China, particularly in the country's northern and eastern regions. There are 10 different varieties of kiwi, although the green kiwi is the variety most commonly available in the United States. This fruit features a thin, edible skin housing juicy green flesh. Kiwi contains several nutrients essential for optimal health.

Vitamin C

The kiwi is an abundant source of vitamin C; one kiwi contains about 64 mg of this vitamin. This is about 71 percent of the recommended daily intake for adults. Vitamin C is best known as an immune system enhancer, helping your body ward off bacterial and viral infections. It also helps your body produce serotonin and norepinephrine, which are neurotransmitter chemicals that relieve stress and depression.

Vitamin K

One kiwi contains about 27.8 mcg vitamin K, or about 35 percent of the adult recommended daily allowance. Vitamin K is essential for coagulating blood, which helps prevent excessive bleeding from cuts, scrapes and surgical wounds. It also helps prevent bleeding in of peptic ulcers, as well as liver and intestinal tissues. Vitamin K may help prevent osteoporosis by enhancing the ability of bone cells to use calcium.


Potassium is a mineral that is essential for maintaining normal heart rhythms, which may help prevent cardiovascular disease. It also helps maintain proper fluid balance in your body, reducing your risk of dehydration. Potassium aids in the transfer of nutrients through cell membranes. One kiwi contains about 215 mg potassium, or about 4.5 percent of the daily requirement for adults.


Kiwi contain phosphorus; one kiwi provides about 23 mg of this mineral, or about 3 percent of the recommended daily intake for adults. Phosphorus is necessary for the manufacture of bone cells and promotes proper kidney function. Phosphorus also improves your body's ability to convert nutrients from foods into energy.

Nature's remedies: Do Fruits & Vegetables Contain Fat?

Using the botanical definition, a fruit is the ripe ovary of a seed-bearing plant. A vegetable is the leaves, stems, roots and tubers of a plant, or any part of the plant that is not the fruit. An avocado, a tomato, certain types of nuts and a bell pepper are all considered fruits. While most vegetables contain only trace amounts of fat, a few fruits contain significant amounts of it.

Fat Content in Vegetables

Typically, the only fat in vegetables is fat added during preparation or cooking. For example, a 5.3-oz. potato has zero grams of fat, but in a 4-oz. serving of french fries, there are 19 g of fat. To minimize the amount of fat in your diet, prepare vegetables using a small amount of fat, such as olive oil, or steam vegetables when possible. When dining out, select baked, steamed, stir-fried or boiled vegetables. Avoid vegetables that have been deep fried, like french fries.

Fat in Olives

Several fruits contain fat, including tree nuts, olives and avocados. Olives are a rich source of monounsaturated fats, a heart-healthy fat that may help you lower your cholesterol. In a 100 g serving of olives, there are 15 g of fat and 145 calories. Use olives sparingly to enhance the flavors in fish, to add variety to a salad, or eat them plain. And when possible, use olive oil to reap the benefits of this heart-healthy fruit.

Fat in Avocados

Avocados are also a rich source of monounsaturated fat. In half of an average-sized avocado, there are 14 g of fat and 145 calories. Avocados are best when the flesh is green and the fruit is firm yet will give to gentle pressure. Use avocados for mashing, as in guacamole, for spreading on toast, slicing and adding to sandwiches or salads or eat plain with a dash of salt and pepper.

Fat in Tree Nuts

Tree nuts, including almonds, walnuts and cashews, contain a significant amount of fat. Walnuts are a rich source of polyunsaturated fat, a heart-healthy fat, and almonds and cashews are a rich source of monounsaturated fats. Like olives and avocados, nuts are a high-fat, high-calorie food best eaten in small quantities. In a 1-oz. serving of almonds, there are 15 g of fat and 170 calories. Nuts contain a significant amount of protein, making them ideal to have as a healthy snack. Try spreading a thin layer of almond or cashew butter on toast or crackers. Or eat a small handful of almonds for a mid-afternoon snack.

Components Other Than Fat in Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain many health benefits. Most fruits and vegetables are rich sources of fiber, are low in calories, and contain vitamins and minerals. Green vegetables are generally rich sources of vitamin A, C and K and folate and minerals such as iron and calcium. Orange and red fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamin A, beta carotene and vitamin C. Citrus fruits are a good sources of vitamin C, folate and potassium. Berries are rich sources of vitamin C. Eating a rainbow of colors of fruits and vegetables is the best way to ensure that you are reaping all of the health-promoting benefits of fruits and vegetables.

Nature's remedies: Why Are Raspberries Good for You?

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help to prevent and manage obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other types of chronic illness. Because each fruit and vegetable contains different types and levels of nutrients, your best bet is to consume a wide variety of each. This includes raspberries, which are good for you and part of a healthy diet, due to what they do and do not contain.


For overall good health, it is important to control your calorie, fat, cholesterol and sugar intake. Because raspberries are low in all of the above, they make a healthy snack. A serving of 10 raspberries has approximately 10 calories; no cholesterol or saturated fat and only a trace amount of sugar. Eating raspberries can help to satisfy a sweet tooth in place of higher-calorie sugary snacks.


Raspberries, like most fruits, are a good source of fiber, which plays an important role in overall good health. Fiber helps to maintain regular bowel movements, it protects against heart disease by inhibiting the body's ability to absorb cholesterol and it makes you feel full, which can curb binge eating. Just 1 cup of raspberries contains 8 g of fiber, which can help to meet the daily suggested amount of 25 to 35 g. "Arthritis Today" recommends eating eat two to three types of fresh, frozen or dehydrated berries each day to get the fiber you need.


Raspberries contain substances called phenolic phytochemicals which have antioxidant properties. One of the phytochemicals raspberries contain is ellagic acid, which is a known anti-carcinogenic. Antioxidants destroy free radicals, which cause damage to the body and contribute to the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease and immune system disorders. However, eating just four average-sized black raspberries can provide the body with more antioxidants than a serving of most other fruits and vegetables, reports the Spring 2009 issue of "New York Fruit Quarterly." All types of raspberries provide the body with antioxidants, but black raspberries tend to have the highest amount.

Vitamin C

All types of raspberries are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps with the growth and repair of tissues; it helps the body make collagen, which is an important protein used to make skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels; it must be present in adequate amounts for wounds to heal properly and it helps with repairing and maintaining your bones and teeth. A diet that is too low in vitamin C may contribute to high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, stroke and some forms of cancers, says the University of Maryland Medical Center. The daily requirement for vitamin C is based on age and sex, but most adults need 75 to 90 mg every day and since smoking depletes vitamin C stores, smokers need an additional 35 mg. Consuming 1 cup of raspberries provides about 32 mg of vitamin C.