srijeda, 26. lipnja 2013.

Nature's remedies: Which Fruits Are Good for Diabetics to Eat?

According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, or NDIC, people with diabetes can eat most fruits without any problems. However, whole fresh fruits are best. Avoid canned fruits, which have added syrups, or dried fruits, which are sometimes coated with sugars. Avoid fruit juice in favor of whole fruits. Not only is whole fruit more filling and with more fiber, but it's also lower in sugar.


According to the Mayo Clinic, you can eat any fruits as long as the serving you're having doesn't have more than 15 g of carbohydrates. What makes some fruits better than others is that 15 g of carbs might mean a large serving of one fruit but a small serving of another. Strawberries fall into the first category. For 15 g of carbs, you can eat one and a quarter cup of whole strawberries. As a comparison, you only get half a cup of mango or a three quarter of a cup of pineapple for the same amount of carbs.
Fiber is essential to a diabetic because it can help him stabilize blood sugar, according to HelpGuide. Raspberries have one of the highest amount of fiber of any fruits, at 8 g of fiber per serving of blackberries, which equals 1 cup of raspberries. Blackberries are also high in fiber. They contain 7.6 g of fiber per cup.


Grapefruit is at the bottom of the glycemic index. The glycemic index is the measurement of how much a specific food affects blood sugar. According to the Center for Integrative Medicine of the University of Wisconsin, grapefruit has a glycemic index of 25. The only other fruit under 30 is peach, which has a glycemic index of 28. At the other end of the scale are watermelon, pineapple and raisins, all of which have a glycemic index of more than 60.

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